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Christmas Machine Embroidery Single Designs
3767 Single Designs FoundGo to page 2 |

03 santa
from the set
Christmas Fun

from the set
Borderless Ornaments

from the set
RW Sunbonnet Christmas

from the set
FSL Candy Cane Ornaments

from the set
Baby Jesus Stories

from the set
Baby Jesus Stories

from the set
Baby Jesus Stories

from the set
Borderless Ornaments

from the set
Borderless Ornaments

03 let it snow
from the set
FSL Christmas Ornaments

02 christmas tree ornament
from the set
FSL Christmas Ornaments

from the set
Borderless Ornaments

from the set
Borderless Ornaments

from the set
Borderless Ornaments

from the set
Borderless Ornaments

from the set
Borderless Ornaments

from the set
Borderless Ornaments

from the set
Borderless Ornaments

from the set
Deco Christmas 2

06 whimsical christmas
from the set
Christmas Whimsies

08 whimsical christmas
from the set
Christmas Whimsies

04 whimsical christmas
from the set
Christmas Whimsies

07 whimsical christmas
from the set
Christmas Whimsies

01 whimsical christmas
from the set
Christmas Whimsies

010 whimsical christmas
from the set
Christmas Whimsies

from the set
Christmas Time

02 happy star
from the set
Christmas Fun

from the set
Christmas Bookmarkers

from the set
Candle Reflectors 2
Go to page 2 |
Bear (47)
Bears (1)
Bird (79)
Bunny (3)
Camel (5)
Cardinal (3)
Cat (35)
Chicken (2)
Cow (4)
Deer (169)
Dog (10)
Donkey (3)
Dove (2)
Duck (2)
Flamingo (1)
Frog (3)
Geese (4)
Giraffe (1)
Goose (2)
Hen (4)
Horse (3)
Human Female (5)
Kangaroo (2)
Kitten (7)
Kitty (16)
Koala (2)
Lamb (5)
Lion (1)
Mouse (4)
Not An Animal (3362)
Owl (31)
Penguin (8)
Puppy (1)
Raccoon (1)
Reindeer (168)
Sheep (3)
Swan (6)
Alphabet (1176)
Applique (206)
Candle Wicking (7)
Cartoon (17)
Cross Stitch (14)
Filled Design (1200)
Free Standing Lace (331)
In the Hoop (15)
Project (603)
Quilt (132)
Red Work (526)
Anniversary (1)
Birthday (1)
Halloween (1)
Hanukkah (6)
Kwanzaa (1)
Not an Event (711)
Valentine's Day (1)
Fall (8)
Not Seasonal (3070)
Summer (9)
Winter (1311)
Adult (1)
Angels (142)
Animal (307)
Baby (49)
Beach (1)
Borders-Ornaments (637)
Boys (3)
Calendar (55)
Children (62)
Clothing (16)
Embroidery (5)
Fairy's (23)
Fantasy (16)
Flowers and Plants (276)
Games (14)
Girls (57)
Hats (4)
Home (18)
Household Items (32)
Icons-Signs-Symbols (1247)
Jacobean (39)
Jewellary (5)
Kitchen (6)
Kitchen Items (4)
Landscape (2)
Men (691)
Miscellaneous (27)
Music (7)
Other (62)
People (8)
Religious (107)
Sayings (218)
Scenery (2)
Sewing (3)
Stars-Moons (47)
Stick Figures (1)
Sunbonnets (28)
Toys (13)
Transportation (23)
Trees (192)
Weather (28)
Women (36)
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